- Moving PNG Business Forward THROUGH and WITH PEOPLE
We are PNG's Consultancy - one with a difference.
Our ideas are Fresh and we work WITH your Team to ensure success in everything we do.
Our programs are NOT one day workshops which only get short term results. We have short burst, energetic, inclusive and engaging programs over a period of 3 - 6 months .
With a blend of PNG managerial experience and Ex-pat we are committed to helping PNG businesses move towards the new PNG way, whilst retaining our wonderful culture.
With a SME background, managerial and corporate experience at various levels of management including, General Management, Board member, CEO of companies ranging from 30 people to 450 - we have a hands on, inclusive style in all facets of people management :
High Performance Teams
Sales Skills
Presentation Skills
Professional Management
Leadership programs
SME Pawa Workshps
Tok Pisin for Expats
English Literacy for Nationals
DIGITAL Marketing in PNG
No it is not a double up !
WE know the PNG traits and styles and how to best improve their belief in themselves and the value brought to your business -
EVERYTHING we do follows our 3P mantra :
There is a new breed of educated, knowledgeable PNG wantok now - desiring, wanting more
Our passion is in getting these minds opened, engaged and actioning in the workforce. These women and men are the future of our business & government

So ANOTHER Consultant - we hear you say - how are these guys different ?
Quite simply, having run our own businesses we are sensitive to the value chain that good Consultants provide. A true Consultant works as a mentor, a conduit, a sounding board and an adviser - NOT AN EXPERT!
Why are we called "Tok Stret Consulting"?
Tok Stret is Tok Pisin (the widely used national PNG Language) meaning - be honest; be direct or talk true. It is what we strive to do in our personal lives and is a perfect name for the Training and Development we provide to Nationals (from this diverse and wonderful country) and ExPats (of many ethnicitys)
Being PNG owned and based, but with a flair and style that is global whilst appreciating the challenges, nuances and issues of PNG; we seriously want to move the PNG people and Businesses forward.
We WON'T bedazzle you with flashy charts and time-wasting talk - WE WILL work to understand your needs and challenges and implement Cost-effective, short-medium or longer term solutions and tools that provide Process Improvement and new levels of Customer Service and Satisfaction.
A blend of PNG and ex-Pat (but PNG-based EXPAT) styles and Experience
Our style is unique, professional, caters to all levels of staff and Management
Morobe,Portion 474, Okari Conference Centre, Buimo Rd, Bundi Camp
LAE - Morobe Province 411
P- +675 7204 3027 / 73688552
E- tokstretconsulting@gmail.com
Facebook - Tok Stret Consulting